Grow revenue and loyalty through the world’s most trusted trade-in platform.

Phobio’s platform for your customized trade-in portal was built using the best practices for online trade-in, offering your customers competitive trade values and earning you commissions.

Apple Costco Amazon Motorola


Your company’s Trade-In Portal is launched quickly, at no cost to you, and earns you commissions for every trade.

Receive commission of 10% of the trade value up to $10 for each trade completed through your Trade-In Portal.

Phobio has unified the best practices for device trade-in driving trade value and customer satisfaction into a streamlined platform allowing you to offer your customers competitive trade values for thousands of smart devices and best-in-class user experience design and customer support.

Step 1

The customer selects the type of device and model for trade-in.

Step 2

They answer 3 to 4 simple “yes/no” questions about its condition.

Step 3

The customer gets trade value quote for their device which is valid for 21 days.

Step 4

They agree to the T&C’s, then print out the device preparation and packing instructions and a prepaid express shipping label.

Step 5

The customer receives email notifications as the device is received, inspected, and trade value is paid. Customers have 24/7 online access to track their Trade Status

After inspection, the trade value is paid out to your customer. If upon inspection, the trade value is adjusted, they are notified immediately, so they can either accept the new value or have the device shipped back to them free of charge.

 Your customers get more value – GOOD FOR YOUR BRAND

 You receive commissions for every trade – GOOD FOR YOUR BOTTOM LINE

Devices are reused before being recycled – GOOD FOR THE EARTH

Service Excellence

Our satisfaction ratings are among the highest in the industry.

Device & Data Security

We are certified and comply with the highest standards of environmental responsibility and data-security.

Fast Process & Payment

More accurate and faster than competitors:

Device Inspection
3x faster

Trade Payment
16.67% faster

End-to-end experience
68% faster

More Value for More Devices

We provide competitive pricing on over 3,000 device models including PC Laptops, Macs, iMacs, Macbooks, Smartphones, iPhones, tablets, iPads,  Apple Watches and more.

Sign up below to get your trade-in portal launch started.


Contact Name(Required)
Preferred Payment Method(Required)
Select the method by which you'd like to receive your monthly trade-in commissions.