Here is where we set the rules to define which devices should be included in Search Report.
For example, you can use attributes like model, management status, location, ownership or any other inventory criteria.
To add a criterion, click on the “+ Add” button and select the attribute, operator, and value for the rule.
The most common criteria (i.e. “Model”) are listed by default, so to select specific parameters such as device age by purchase date (i.e. “PO Date”), ownership, Activation Lock, Carrier Network, lease status, etc. you may need to select “Show Advanced Criteria.”

In this example, we’ll look for devices that were purchased over 600 days ago, so the rule would be
- criteria: PO Date
- operator: more than x days ago
- value: 600

You can add multiple criteria to narrow down the group using “All” or “Any” logic to determine whether all or any of the criteria must be met for a device to be included in the results.
More information on setting criteria for Advanced Searches and Smart Lists is available here: